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Project Overview
The City of Aspen has completed a draft of an updated Municipal Water Efficiency Plan (WEP) and is requesting public input.
This Plan updates the City’s 2015 Water Efficiency Plan, supporting future water conservation and efficiency activities to provide a sustainable water supply for the City into the future.
Project Goals
The City aims to support future water conservation and efficiency activities to provide a sustainable water supply.
Project Information
The City of Aspen owns and operates its water supply system which provides potable (i.e. treated) water to customers and non-potable (i.e. untreated raw) water for irrigation and snowmaking purposes to a small subset of customers. Aspen obtains its water supply primarily from surface water sources of Castle Creek and Maroon Creek, making water supplies heavily dependent on snowpack and snowmelt runoff patterns.
The purpose of this updated WEP is to identify water conservation programs and activities that support the long-term demand. These plans and programs encourage community members to support the efficient use of water at all times by establishing "normal" condition guidelines.
Selected water efficiency activities are divided into two distinct programs. The "Water Loss Control Program" focuses on identifying and reducing water loss within the City's system. The "Enhanced Water Conservation Program" focuses on outdoor water use, primarily programs that can reduce outdoor water use during the summer irrigation season.
Some efficiency activities presented in this plan do target additional indoor savings.
The City's Utility Department staff is responsible for the implementation of this plan and will continue to monitor water use on a regular basis.
Project Overview
The City of Aspen has completed a draft of an updated Municipal Water Efficiency Plan (WEP) and is requesting public input.
This Plan updates the City’s 2015 Water Efficiency Plan, supporting future water conservation and efficiency activities to provide a sustainable water supply for the City into the future.
Project Goals
The City aims to support future water conservation and efficiency activities to provide a sustainable water supply.
Project Information
The City of Aspen owns and operates its water supply system which provides potable (i.e. treated) water to customers and non-potable (i.e. untreated raw) water for irrigation and snowmaking purposes to a small subset of customers. Aspen obtains its water supply primarily from surface water sources of Castle Creek and Maroon Creek, making water supplies heavily dependent on snowpack and snowmelt runoff patterns.
The purpose of this updated WEP is to identify water conservation programs and activities that support the long-term demand. These plans and programs encourage community members to support the efficient use of water at all times by establishing "normal" condition guidelines.
Selected water efficiency activities are divided into two distinct programs. The "Water Loss Control Program" focuses on identifying and reducing water loss within the City's system. The "Enhanced Water Conservation Program" focuses on outdoor water use, primarily programs that can reduce outdoor water use during the summer irrigation season.
Some efficiency activities presented in this plan do target additional indoor savings.
The City's Utility Department staff is responsible for the implementation of this plan and will continue to monitor water use on a regular basis.
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