Paepcke Transit Hub
Consultation has concluded

Paepcke Park is Aspen’s second busiest transit hub, with three bus stops as well as WE-cycle and Car-to-Go stations. The Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements Project seeks to improve safety for all users, enhance the function of existing services, and upgrade infrastructure to support emerging technology such as real-time digital signage for RFTA buses.
Work activities on the project include building a covered bus shelter, replacing utilities, including water lines, electrical, stormwater, and installation of conduits for future communications utilities, and installing an improved Main Street crossing for pedestrians.
Weather permitting, motorists can expect construction work on Main Street by Paepcke Park in Aspen Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and intermittently on Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Traffic control plans include construction flaggers, vehicular lane shifts, and motorist, cyclist, and pedestrian detours. The project will not result in any changes to existing bus routing or service levels.
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