Paepcke Transit Hub
Consultation has concluded

Paepcke Park is Aspen’s second busiest transit hub, with three bus stops as well as WE-cycle and Car-to-Go stations. The Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements Project seeks to improve safety for all users, enhance the function of existing services, and upgrade infrastructure to support emerging technology such as real-time digital signage for RFTA buses.
Work activities on the project include building a covered bus shelter, replacing utilities, including water lines, electrical, stormwater, and installation of conduits for future communications utilities, and installing an improved Main Street crossing for pedestrians.
Weather permitting, motorists can expect construction work on Main Street by Paepcke Park in Aspen Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and intermittently on Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Traffic control plans include construction flaggers, vehicular lane shifts, and motorist, cyclist, and pedestrian detours. The project will not result in any changes to existing bus routing or service levels.
Questions, concerns, or kudos? Connect with us through Aspen 3-1-1 Connect.
Paepcke Park is Aspen’s second busiest transit hub, with three bus stops as well as WE-cycle and Car-to-Go stations. The Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements Project seeks to improve safety for all users, enhance the function of existing services, and upgrade infrastructure to support emerging technology such as real-time digital signage for RFTA buses.
Work activities on the project include building a covered bus shelter, replacing utilities, including water lines, electrical, stormwater, and installation of conduits for future communications utilities, and installing an improved Main Street crossing for pedestrians.
Weather permitting, motorists can expect construction work on Main Street by Paepcke Park in Aspen Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and intermittently on Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Traffic control plans include construction flaggers, vehicular lane shifts, and motorist, cyclist, and pedestrian detours. The project will not result in any changes to existing bus routing or service levels.
Questions, concerns, or kudos? Connect with us through Aspen 3-1-1 Connect.
Paepcke Progress | April 10, 2023
Share Paepcke Progress | April 10, 2023 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | April 10, 2023 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | April 10, 2023 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | April 10, 2023 linkPaepcke Progress No. 18
South Garmisch Roadway & Drainage Work Adjacent to Molly Gibson Lodge Begins April 10, 2023.
One-way only southbound Garmisch from Main to Hopkins.
Bus stops will remain open.
Many facets of the projected were completed in 2022 including:
- All underground utilities have been installed and connected.
- New pedestrian connections have been completed including the new Main St. crossing that involves the new pedestrian refuge island.
- New bus stops along Main St. and S. Garmisch have been completed.
- The outbound bus shelter is 99% complete with some minor finishing touches to be completed this spring.
- Pervious paver pads have been installed for summer WE-Cycle stations and public bike racks.
- The EV charging station for Car to Go has been installed along Paepcke Park and the public EV charging station should be up and running this spring.
Paepcke Progress | October 19, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | October 19, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | October 19, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | October 19, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | October 19, 2022 linkPaepcke Progress No. 17
October 19, 2022
Paepcke Transit Hub Update: Main Street Impacts - Friday, October 21
Striping activities will occur on Main Street from 1st Street to Garmisch Street upvalley and downvalley (just west of the Garmisch intersection) throughout Friday, October 21. Main Street will be narrowed to one lane in each direction during construction hours.
Text MAIN to 844-308-MAIN
for Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project updates and construction impacts.
Paepcke Progress | October 4, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | October 4, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | October 4, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | October 4, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | October 4, 2022 linkPaepcke Progress No. 16
October 4, 2022
Paepcke Transit Hub Update
North Garmisch from Main Street to Bleeker Street will close Wednesday, October 5, 2022 – Friday, October 7, 2022
This closure is necessary for utility work and the installation of a deep storm drain line. Access to the alley will remain from Bleeker Street. This closure will occur during the day and reopen at night.
Roadway Paving and Striping
Reminder: Paving and striping activities are underway today through Thursday, October 7; Main Street will be narrowed to one lane in each direction during construction hours for striping.
Paepcke Progress | September 29, 2022
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September 29, 2022
Paepcke Transit Hub – Project Look Ahead
Several construction activities will occur simultaneously through the first week of October.
Construction Activities
For the week beginning October 3, construction crews will be pouring concrete on the sidewalks and ramps. Construction will continue on the roof of the bus shelters and carpentry activities. Work will occur on the sidewalks on Garmisch Street.
Roadway Impacts Next Week
Beginning Tuesday, October 4 through Thursday, October 7, Main Street will be narrowed to one lane in each direction during construction hours for striping.
Text MAIN to 844-308-MAIN
for Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project updates and construction impacts.
Paepcke Progress | September 23, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | September 23, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | September 23, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | September 23, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | September 23, 2022 linkPaepcke Progress No. 14 | September 23, 2022
Paepcke Transit Hub Paving Activities Continue Next Week: Main Street narrows to one lane in each direction from September 27 – September 29
Next week, the Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project will close an area along North Garmisch Street and East Main Street for roadway paving and asphalt work.
North Garmisch from Main Street to Bleeker Street will be closed beginning Tuesday, September 27 through Thursday, September 29. Access to the alley will remain from Bleeker Street. This closure will be during the day and reopen at night.
East Main Street between Aspen Street and Garmisch Street will be limited to one lane of traffic in each direction for periods during the day beginning on Tuesday, September 27 through Thursday, September 29. Two lanes in each direction will be open through the night.
Paepcke Progress | September 16, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | September 16, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | September 16, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | September 16, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | September 16, 2022 linkPaepcke Progress No. 13 | September 16, 2022
Paepcke Transit Hub Paving and Striping Operations: Main Street narrows to one lane in each direction on September 20 and 21
The Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project will conduct paving operations beginning Tuesday, September 20, through Wednesday, September 21.
During work hours, Main Street traffic will be narrowed down to one lane in either direction to allow room for paving and striping machinery. Traffic will return to two lanes in each direction in the evening.
Paving and roadway impacts will also take place on South and North Garmisch. Motorists should expect traffic holds in the project area.
Vertical construction has begun on the new bus shelter. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Text MAIN to 844-308-MAIN
for Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project updates and construction impacts
Paepcke Progress | September 13, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | September 13, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | September 13, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | September 13, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | September 13, 2022 linkPaepcke Transit Hub project to close South Garmisch for paving
The Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project will close an area along South Garmisch Street for paving operations beginning Wednesday, September 14, 2022, in the afternoon through Thursday, September 22, 2022. This closure will be for 24 hours a day to remove large portions of the existing roadway.
Driveway access to the alley will be from South First Street.
Main Street Update: Main Street will be open to two-way traffic in each direction by tomorrow afternoon, September 14. Motorists should be prepared for periodic single-lane closures on Main Street through the end of the week. Traffic control will be in the area.
Text MAIN to 844-308-MAIN for Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project updates and construction impacts
Paepcke Progress | September 2, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | September 2, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | September 2, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | September 2, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | September 2, 2022 linkPaepcke Transit Hub project to close two lanes of traffic beginning Sept. 6
The Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project will close one lane in each direction on Main Street from Tuesday, Sept. 6 through Wed., Sept 14. Construction work will also occur on Saturday, Sept. 10. The lane closures, which will be on Main Street between Aspen Street and Garmisch Street, will be in place for 24 hours a day, seven days a week for simultaneous concrete and storm drain work.
Inbound or eastbound traffic will merge into one lane on Main Street between First Street and Garmisch Street. Outbound or westbound traffic will merge into one lane on Main Street between Monarch Street and Aspen Street.
The pedestrian crossing on Main Street west of Garmisch Street will remain open. The local inbound/eastbound bus stop on the north side of Paepcke Park will be closed; other bus stops in the vicinity will remain in place.
Expect delays during this time. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Paepcke Progress | August 31, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | August 31, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | August 31, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | August 31, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | August 31, 2022 linkSouth Garmisch closed for utility work Sept. 1-2
- South Garmsich Street from Main Street to Hopkins Avenue will be closed for utility work on Thursday, Sept. 1, from 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., and Friday, Sept. 2, from 7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- The alley will remain accessible from First Street.
- The area will reopen each night.
- There will be no work on the Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project from Saturday, Sept. 2 - Monday, Sept. 5.
North Garmisch sidewalk closed for three weeks beginning Sept. 6
- From Tuesday, Sept. 6 – Tuesday, Sept. 13, a portion of the sidewalk along North Garmisch Street adjacent to 100 East Main Street will be demoed for the installation of a stormwater line.
- This portion of sidewalk will remain inaccessible for approximately 3 weeks.
- The southernmost walkway along Garmisch Street for 100 E Main not be usable during this time.
- The ADA ramp and walkway to the north will remain accessible throughout this construction.
- Temporary barriers will be installed to prevent pedestrians from entering the work area.
- Beginning Sept. 10, Saturday work on the Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project will be required for the foreseeable future to keep the project on schedule for a late fall completion
Paepcke Progress | August 19, 2022
Share Paepcke Progress | August 19, 2022 on Facebook Share Paepcke Progress | August 19, 2022 on Twitter Share Paepcke Progress | August 19, 2022 on Linkedin Email Paepcke Progress | August 19, 2022 linkPaepcke Transit Hub Improvements Project night work begins at 6 p.m. on August 22
UPDATE: On Monday, August 22, the Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements project Main Street detour will begin at 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m., as previously noted. The earlier time frame for the detour on Monday is due to the availability of asphalt. No night work is proposed on Tuesday, August 23, at this time.
During night work hours, Main Street will be closed between Garmisch Street and Aspen Street. Eastbound traffic will be diverted off Main Street onto South Garmisch, East Hopkins, and South Aspen back onto Main Street. Westbound traffic will be detoured off Main Street onto North Aspen Street, East Bleeker, and North Garmisch back onto Main Street. The temporary bus stops near Hotel Aspen and the inbound BRT on South Garmisch will remain.
Who's listening
Phone 1-970-920-5080 Email
Estimated Project Timeline
Phase I – Data Collection and Initial Outreach
Paepcke Transit Hub has finished this stageOctober - December 2019Complete -
Phase II – Conceptual Engineering & Planning
Paepcke Transit Hub has finished this stageNovember 2019 - December 2020
Complete -
Phase III - Design and Community-Wide Review
Paepcke Transit Hub has finished this stageAugust - November 2020
Share your feedback on the conceptual designs during phase III. City Council work session on November 16. -
Phase IV – Final Design and Construction Documentation
Paepcke Transit Hub has finished this stageNovember 2020 – April 2021
In Phase IV, the project team will develop a final project design and construction documents. -
Phase V - Spring Improvements
Paepcke Transit Hub is currently at this stagePaepcke Transit Hub improvements begin April 10, 2023. The new storm infrastructure is required for the new drainage system to adequately catch and convey runoff in this highly trafficked area.
Conceptual Design FAQs
- What is the Paepcke Transit Hub?
- Why is the city looking at safety improvements?
- What is the proposed design for the outbound Main Street bus stop and the other Main Street improvements?
- What is the proposed design for the Garmisch bus stop and the other Garmisch improvements?
- Why do the proposed Garmisch Street improvements include a bus pull off?
- Why does RFTA turn onto Garmisch and make a drop off by Paepcke Park?
- Why are there three bus stops in this area?
- Why is there not a bus pull off for the Main Street inbound stop?
- How many people use the multi-modal services within the Paepcke Transit Hub area?
- How would parking on Garmisch change under the proposed design?
- Can a stoplight be installed at the Main and Garmisch intersection?
- How must the CDOT grant funding be utilized?
- Funding and COVID-19
Document Library
Project Financial Reporting
Intersection Construction Information Fact Sheet - Impacts May 23 - October 31 (1.54 MB) (pdf)
Paepcke Transit Hub Renderings_ July 2020.pdf (20.3 MB) (pdf)
Información del proyecto (Español) - Fases I y II.pdf (695 KB) (pdf)
Updated Fact Sheet_October 2020 (English) (689 KB) (pdf)
Paepcke Transit Hub Phase I Input Report (3.47 MB) (pdf)
Area of Interest - Paepcke Transit Hub Outreach Map (1.1 MB) (pdf)
Paepcke Project Upate_March 30, 2023 (1.33 MB) (pdf)